Partial Season Sponsor
Partial Season Sponsor
$5,500 by check or $5,693 by credit card.
This level sponsors 5 Gallery Nights in a season (Choice of March - July OR July - November)
Thanked in person at the beginning of every tour for five Gallery Nights (average 1,000 people annually)
Prominent listing on website home page and sponsorship page (17,000 plus unique visitors to website annually)
Monthly Newsletter/social media shoutouts March-November (3,400 Insta followers; 4,000 Facebook followers)
Invited to table and/or to leave literature at monthly Gallery Night check-ins
Logo listed on map in print (approximately 125 copies each Gallery NIght)
Logo on all digital/print promotions for all Gallery Night events including on website homepage and sponsorship page (17,000 plus unique visitors to website annually)
Speaking slot at all fundraising and special events